Relationship Affirmation


I am centered in the midst of God eternal love and peace.
I place all people, things and situations lovingly in the hands of the Father.
Christ in this situation is its forgiving power.
The miracle-working power of Jesus Christ is released in this situation now for
the good of all concerned.
The finished results of Jesus Christ now manifest in this situation for the
good of all concerned.
The forgiving power of Jesus Christ opens the way for God’s infinite good.
The White light of the Christ illumines me with divine understanding.
I am a messenger of love, hope and peace.
Christ in the situations of my life is forgiving power.
The Christ in me forgives the Christ in others.
I see myself as one with God and one with all life.
God is showing me how to experience fulfillment in all my relationships.
My oneness with God blesses me and those around me.
I am radiating God’s blessing to all the world.
God changes me in my relationships and new love and peace abound.
I ask for blessings for all people in my life and
God shows me how to be that blessing now and always.
The Christ brings forth new blessings for all my relationships.
I believe that God has a plan of good for all my relationships and I live out
that plan now.
I behold a connection of light and love between God and myself and everyone in
my life. The healing love of Jesus Christ fills me now.
I cast out all fear and free myself and others to live with new peace in the
Christ light.
God gives me the joy of expressing life to others.
I lift my whole being in prayer and praise.
The Christ within me directs me in all ways.
My work is to follow the Christ and speak words of uplift, comfort, joy and
To all appearances of disappointment and despair, I let the Christ speak
through me and God is ever present to heal and bless.
I am one with the easy flow of God’s harmonizing love and peace.
I draw my relationships into the healing circle of God’s love and all blessed.
The Christ calls me to be a healing agent to all who are touched by my mind.
I believe that my angels guide me to love and blessing.
I believe that everyone has angels, always at work, to guide them to the full
experience of divine harmony.
I give thanks that my oneness with God’s infinite supply blesses me and all the
I find the Christ-mind in the midst of my thoughts about finances.
I am lead to new understanding of God’s infinite abundance.
Only God’s good can work in my life.
I am fed by the Christ in others.
I share a consciousness of God’s ever-increasing good with all in my life.
I am not afraid to take what I have and put it to work for others.
As I bless what I have and use it, my good blesses others.
The Christ in me enjoys expanding the love I am capable of knowing and sharing.
I am fed by the Christ in others.
I am grateful for each expression of love in my life.
I let go of the past and see the love of the Christ bringing understanding and
harmony to me and everyone in my life.
I rise above any apparent pettiness and let the Christ-peace prevail in all my
relationships. The living Christ presence leads me to a place of conscious poise
and peacefulness.
I am a center of radiant love and all the world is blessed by my thoughts of
I see myself as a peacemaker in each moment and movement of my day.
God reveals to me new insights about my relationships.
I stand for peace and understanding.
All things not of peace and understanding are now renounced and released.
The Christ in me brings forth new visions of peace and plenty for the planet.
I am ever one with the Christ in peace.
My mind embraces the Christ expression.
The Christ calls me to new expression and me respond with joy and gratitude.
I understand that loving service to all my brothers and sisters is my blessing.
I am satisfied by the living substance of the eternal Christ.
I drink deep of the life of the Christ.
I speak the word of faith and I am directed to spiritual fulfillment.