Please join us for Kelly McClure’s Workshop “Sentire: Emotional Release Process” after service at 11:45am in St. Luke’s Chapel

Have you ever wondered why you act the way you do, especially if your actions are counterproductive? What about all the attempts to change your life, but it isn't working? Is stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, grief or trauma holding you back from creating the life you want? If you answered "yes" to one or all of these then you need to see what a Sentire Workshop is all about.

Sentire is the process in which we use your awareness to seek out and focus on these emotions that have buried themselves into the cells of your body, and allow them to present and to clear through energy releasing techniques.
It's based on a spiritual law that says, "What we resist persists. Therefore, what we allow will dissipate." This process gets you one step closer to manifesting the extraordinary life that you deserve.

Suggested Love Offering - $25



January 13th, 2019 11:45 AM